Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I thought it would be nice to tell about my friends.
Not every single one of them, but some.


I met her in the school library.
I can't exactly remember how, but I was reading some manga, then she was too.
Then we started talking about Naruto, I think.
At first I thought that she was really serious, but she's really outgoing.
She gets in trouble at school every now and then.
It sucks that she'll be moving to another school.

She likes English, and reading books.
She's also really nice, and plays basketball.
And I met her through Trixie.

I call her Kenna-Kenna.
She likes wolfs.
She plays the violin.
I proposed to her.
She rejected me. >_<


She is Chinese. XD
She is sort of quiet.
I think she also plays the violin.
And I also proposed to her.
She rejected me.

She likes Charlie the unicorn.
We have P.E. together.
She's real nice sometimes.


  1. Your friends sound interesting!
    I like wolves, too. :3

  2. Awww, rejection.
    I'm happily married to my friend (not serious though... obviously)
    And it does suck that your friend is going to another school. Are you going to stay in touch with her?

  3. I made my friends sound interesting?
    That's weird because I don't know much about them.

    And I'll try to stay in touch with her, she has a MySpace, so I guess we will be able to chat over the internets.

  4. Well, somewhat interesting. Not as interesting as my friends. xD (Sorry, but I don't think anyone is as interesting as my friends!)

    My friend proposed to me last month. I accepted, then she broke it off a day later for my dog. O_o

    ...My mom just said that Visual Kei is just another word for "cross-dressing." =_=

  5. *gasp*
    For your dog?
    That must hurt.

    And your mom, I... I... I STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH HER.



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