Monday, April 27, 2009

Iku Acme

Vocaloids are voice singing synthesizers.
If you didn't know that and want to know more, click here.
I personally love the Vocaloids. Especially Miku Hatsune.
I want the Figma of her!

Anyway, what I wanted to talk about was Iku Acme.
Not a Vocaloid, but a bit close.
She's like a Vocaloid, but for erotic sounds.
People have tried to make her sing, shown in the video below.

And above is a conversation between Miku and Iku.
Miku: Hello?
Iku: Aaah, Miku-chan! I have a question about Metal Gear.
Miku: Metal Gear, eh? I finished that game so ask me anything.
Iku: I can't beat Vamp, it's driving me crazy.
Miku: You see, once you beat him, hold him with CQC when he is restoring and use Snake's injection.
Iku: I understand. I'll shot a chemical injection on his ass and I'll do it.
Miku: Good luck then.
Iku: Yep, I'll do my best. aah! not there! not there!

Iku Acme website is here.



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