Monday, March 30, 2009


Yeah, I like that technoey electronic shit.
Not really.


Faith came over.
We didn't have a very good time.
She offended me- a whole lot.
She thinks that I'm going to turn into a emo or that I already am an emo. (Not really offended by this)
Of course I asked her what emo meant and she said "a cutter".
Not all people who cause self-harm cut themselves!
And she kept calling everything retarded and gay.
Retarded is a VERY rude word when not used correctly.
And calling something uncool a sexual orientation, is very very stupid.


  1. I hate it when people call things they don't like "retarted" and "gay." STOP IT, YOU DON'T SOUND COOL! D:
    I've been seeing that whole emo/cutter thing on blogs lately. Well, yours and Andrea's, at least. I guess that something we all have in common: People think we're emo and people think we cut (self harm! It's self harm!).

  2. Yes, us and lots of other people are getting stereotyped. >_<



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