Tuesday, March 31, 2009


kimono girl Pictures, Images and Photos
I have a new friend.
He's an otaku too.
He loves Code Geass.
He made me want to watch it- finally.
I just saw the first episode, EPIC.
Yeah, and I love my LuLu (Lelouch). XD
Lelouch Pictures, Images and Photos
This is WAY to much CUTENESS.
Lelouch + cat ears + tail = MOE

And tomorrow is Jacob's birthday.
He said he's going to get the stuff to cosplay LuLu.
And then he said he'd bring me a Britannian hat thingy to look like on of them Britannian peoples! HECK YAH.

I just recently figured out that there was a Japanese store here.
*face palm*
I'm going to it on Saturday.
And then I heard of a Japanese video store.
I wonder if they have Battle Royale....

Battle Royale PWNS.


  1. I never seen the first episode of Code Geass. Well, I have, but I didn't pay attention.
    Is it really that good? I've seen people just fall in love with that show.
    Just curious.

    LOL, moe. I like that word.
    And that's cool that there's a Japanese store around you. I can never find any here.

    And thanks for the comment on my blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gode Geass is pretty good, but I don't really know- I need to watch the second episode. XD

    And the Japanese store is SO FAR.
    I went yesterday and it's just TOO FAR. I'll just go once a month over there.

    You're welcome. :D

  4. so u nevr told me 'bout a jap store.... y?



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